Sunday, September 21, 2008

{What's been happening??}

WOW! I've been "missing" for almost a month now! Gosh! Time flies... I've been slogging my ass off so I can go for our much awaited trip with a peace of mind. Imagine working every day from 8am to 11pm, having all 3 meals in front of the laptop. I was really really drained... every ounce of energy is drained out of my body. But I tell myself, hang in there... we're gonna have a real good break!

Calvin had been really busy and stressed out at work as well. He had to take a series of tests in preparation for the course that he's attending right after our trip. The passing grade for each test is 80% and from the way he's mugging, I can tell it's much more difficult than the tests he had to take in his PTI course months back.

Today, 21 Sep 2008, we're back in Singapore after 8 days in Melbourne, and the hectic work schedule is about to start again! Calvin has gone back to base to start packing up for his course that starts tomorrow, and as for me, I need to start cheong-ing again tomorrow and get ready for my mega presentation in KL on Tuesday!

Here's some flash back on what's been happening over the last couple of weeks:

August 25, Monday

At 18 weeks, I think I look more like fat than pregnant... Would you give up your seat for me if you see me in the MRT? Surprisingly, this is the week that I start getting seats from nice commuters. Well, there are still a lot of people who couldn't care less.

I think nowadays, these people don't even bother pretending to be asleep... They can look you in the eye, look at your bulging tummy and not give a heck. They probably think that it's their right to remain in their seat. No obligations at all to offer seats to people who needs it more. Well, if you look at it this way, it make sense too right? But then... whatever happened to our "gracious society"??

August 26, Tuesday

Calvin was on leave and decided to give all our soft toys a bath! And he even took pictures to show me... haha... So, Hammie, Tammie, Terror, Nuah-nuah, Hoops & Yoyo and the other little soft toys all went for a wet spin in the washing machine, coming out of it clean and smelling good. (^__^)

August 30, Saturday

This is the last day of Esther and Joeel's exhibition and we had to go there. We've been wanting to go but had been too strapped for time. So, we decided to get out of the house early and beat the crowd in town. We're so proud of them! They are really talented and I really admire them for their pursuit of their dreams. Way to go pals!

September 4, Thursday

As I was chatting to Calvin in bed, ready to sleep, I felt 小B move for the first time! It was amazing!!! Initially I wasn't sure... it felt like a little bubble "blurping" in my tummy... so cute... so amazing... too bad, 小B didn't move again and Calvin didn't get to feel it.

September 6, Saturday

Some weeks ago, my colleagues came back from a client briefing and started raving about this coffee machine. The client's even ready to give us some good discounts. It's really cool and I've always wanted to have a coffee machine at home. So I went home and told Calvin about it. He was totally not keen at all, he thinks the maintenance will be too much of a hassle. So, the conversation stopped there.

And then, some time later, I showed him the George Clooney Nespresso TVC and immediately he fell in love with the machine and asked me to go find out more about it and to check if we're able to get any discounts for it. Every other day since then, he'd ask me about the status of our Nespresso. hahaha... what kind of charm did George Clooney have on my husband??!!

Finally, all's been arranged and here's our Nespresso at work on the first day.

On Sunday, Calvin's sisters and cousins came over for lunch. Charlene (his cousin who works in Melbourne) was back for holidays and so we arranged for a gathering. We whipped up a few home cooked dishes especially for her. Calvin boiled lotus root with pork ribs soup and steamed fish. I stirfried some kailan and tried my hands at a new dish. Something that my parents and granny cooked on regular basis long time ago. It's basically stirfried sliced potatoes with sliced pork. I'm glad it turned out pretty ok.. :) I'd probably cook this dish again. Yum yum... (no pictures cos we're all famished).

Oh, and of course we served our guests Nespresso that day! (^__^)

September 10, Wednesday

Selina (Calvin's eldest sister) sms'd me on Tuesday and asked for my office address. She wanted to send me something. She's so sweet and thoughtful. I received this beautiful, sweet, romantic flower arrangement late this afternoon and my heart melted. So sweeeet..... Thank you Da Jie! Love the flowers, love the thoughts and love you!

Receiving the flowers that Da Jie sent was like marking the end of my busy stressful period and the start of the trip that we yearned for for so long.

September 11, Thursday

It's confirmed! 小B is a girl... our precious little girl... our darling princess... It's so funny. Most of our friends have guessed that we're having a boy. Even Dr Ho said during the last scan that there seemed to be some indication that it's a boy. So from then till now, we've kind of been in tuned with the idea of having a boy. Then today, during the detailed scan, Dr Ho said "guess the gender has changed... it's a girl..." hahaha.... it took us a bit of "adjustments" but we're very HAPPY!!! Now, we've gotta start deciding on a beautiful, meaningful name for our baby girl... (^__^)

September 12, Friday

We're off to Melbourne!!! Long awaited holiday... YEAH!!

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