Sunday, September 28, 2008

{Anniversary Breakfast}

There are so many things I wanted to do for our anniversary, but there are so many constraints... Sometimes we're just at the mercy of our work schedules... Calvin's on course now and hence he can't take leave tomorrow (the actual day of our anniversary). So the things that I wanted to do for him will have to be spread across a few days...

First on the list, I wanna make him a yummy breakfast. Inspired by the pancake I tasted in Melbourne, I decided to make pancake for breakfast on this beautiful Sunday morning.

I didn't succeed in making those fluffy pancakes. And for some reason, the colour of my pancakes is ugly!! How did you guys get the even light brown colour on your pancakes?? Mine turned out like "prata" colour... hahaha...

Oh and of cos, I had to try out what Nicole did with her pancakes... heartshaped ones!! Got the shape, but the colour... is just wrong... :p

Well, but my man said they tasted yummy!! YEAH!! I used the Basic Pancake recipe I found on Martha Stewart's website.

We had grapes, willow mushrooms and veal sausages to go with the pancakes. And not forgetting our Nespressos! He had double mega shot of Roma and I had my regular Latte...

I love mornings like that... I hope to be able to prepare breakfast for us more often from now on.

Happy Anniversary, my love.

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Posted by minimin at 11:51 AM |