Tuesday, June 03, 2008

{Blessed am I}

Calvin's on leave this whole week.. He had taken leave to rest before going back to work after his course. As he was mopping the floor yesterday, it struck him again how perfect God's timing is. We only got pregnant at the end of his stressful, time-consuming and energy-sapping course. If it had been any earlier, handling the pregnancy will be more challenging for both of us.

Now, instead of having a restful week of leave, he has to focus his energy on taking care of his pregnant wife.

He took care of ALL the household chores so that I don't have to lift a finger.

He went to the supermarket to stock up a variety of food at home so that I won't have to be hungry at any time.

He bought lots of fruits and vegetables so that I can have lots of fibre intake.

He bought a variety of fish and meat so that he can cook whatever I feel like eating whenever.

He cooked simple meals because I barely have any appetite and he ate the same simple meals with me.

He made milk and brought it to my bed when I woke up so that it can curb the nausea after one whole night of sleep without food.

He brought folic acid to my bed too so that I won't forget to have my daily dose for the development of our baby.

He packed a goodie bag with snacks and milk powder for me to bring to work so that I won't be hungry in office.

He... is the greatest blessing from God. He... is the man I'm so blissfully married to. He... loves me so. (^__^)

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Posted by minimin at 11:30 AM |