Sunday, May 25, 2008


I've always had super accurate "time of the month". That was supposed to be in the middle of my training in BKK. I thought the training had been stressing me out and that's why my P was delayed. By Friday, I was having cramps but not having the flow. And I thought, what's wrong this month, was I that stressed? Then, Rachelle gave me a sneaky smile and said, "Maybe you're..."

Man.. I was shocked! I didn't think of that possibility as it wasn't planned and Calvin's not with me when the possibility struck. The minute I saw him at the airport, I told him about it. He smiled and he said, let's do a test.

We tested faintly positive with a home kit and then we went to the GP and got the same faint results. He suggested testing it again in a week as it's still at a very early stage and the hormones may not be strong enough yet.

Calvin took the news better than I did. He kept reminding me that it's God's plan and His timing can only be the best. For me, I still can't quite believe that this is happening. I'm not prepared for it. I had wanted to get in shape, get healthy and just get ready. I so badly wanna go for our long awaited mega trip to Italy. I had wanted a year end baby. I had wanted to save more money. OMG... not thinking coherently.

Then God spoke to me lovingly.. He said that I just need to trust Him. I can do all sorts of things to get ready - read books, surf the internet, ask for advice, etc etc. But all's well in His hands! He has the final say for He is the Alpha and the Omega! And He loves us unconditionally. All it takes for us is to pray and trust our Daddy God. I feel so loved and comforted.

Even though we didn't plan for it, we know this is God's special gift to us. It is in His time, not ours.

Dear Daddy God, we pray that Your divine protection be on us and your special gift to us. We pray for a healthy baby who will bring us pride and joy. We pray that our pregnancy will be free of complications, free of morning sickness and be filled with Your love and joy. We pray that we will both enjoy the entire process of becoming parents. We pray for wisdom, favour and grace every second of every day of our new journey. We pray that You will provide for us exceedingly abundantly. And I pray that You'd make me a happy, healthy, pretty and slim mom-to-be.


So, there you have it... WE ARE PREGNANT!!


Posted by minimin at 8:03 PM |