Wednesday, October 01, 2008

{Bird's Nest Soup}

This is something I thought I'd never consume again in my life. Many years back, my mom made me some bird's nest to nourish me back to good health when I fell ill. But I wasted her money and her efforts by puking everything out soon after I drank it. The taste just made me throw up. Some months later, not wanting to waste the other half of the bird's nest that she bought, she made me another round of it. Again, I threw everything up. Ever since then, the thought of bird's nest made me gag...

Now that I have 小B, I decided to give it another shot, for the many good health benefits that come along with it. Corinna gave us one serving to test out my tolerance for it. My handsome hubs prepared it for me today... (^.^) *so pampered...

The bird's nest soup was ready for me when we got back from Senso. The bird's nest taste wasn't as strong as I remembered it to be. Maybe becos Calvin put a few pieces of yang sheng pian into the soup.

Met Aunt Annie for lunch today and she bought us a box of bird's nest and a bottle of yang sheng pian. So thoughtful of her... Good that I can "swallow" bird's nest now. Thank you Gou Gou... luv ya!!


Posted by minimin at 11:05 PM |


  • At Thu Oct 16, 03:44:00 PM 2008, Anonymous Anonymous

    i like your blog and its overall design. And wish u well on your to-be-born baby! ;-)

    If u have any wishes, u may want to use to create yr wishlist.. it can also be to do list, dreams, etc... and can embed it onto your blog as well..



  • At Sun Oct 19, 02:43:00 PM 2008, Blogger minimin

    Hi there,

    Thanks for your compliments. Credit goes to my dear creatively talented friend Nicole (

    Heard about mulist from a friend. Cool... will use it to create my wishlists.. :)