Wednesday, July 16, 2008

{Bringing the love back...}

...the love of brushing my teeth, that is. This has been one of the most dreaded activity since I found out that I was pregnant. A daily, must-do activity like brushing my teeth induces nausea, and many times it actually does make me throw up. I really hated brushing my teeth for weeks.

Jasmine, Winnie and Noi have been asking me to go buy kids toothpaste but I never got round to doing it.

I was chatting with my colleague Xueting sometime ago and told her briefly that I'm having this problem with brushing my teeth and I wanted to get some kids toothpaste.

Today, as I walked past her desk when I came back from my meeting, she threw me a cheeky smile.. and then I saw this note on my table. "For more flavourful mornings..." So sweet!!! She bought me a strawberry flavoured Kodomo toothpaste! She said she bought herself a grape flavoured one too! haha...

Thanks for bringing the love of brushing my teeth back! (^__^)


Posted by minimin at 8:23 PM |