Friday, June 20, 2008

{8 weeks & 4 days}

Look at our baby!!

19.4mm | 8wks 4days | 26 Jan 2009

We can see the baby's form!! God is amazing isn't He??!! From what looks like a little bean a week ago, to our beautiful growing baby now.

Because of the taxi accident, Dr Ho got us to come back again a week after the accident to have another scan just to be sure. And because of that, we get to see our baby again! :)

Both Calvin and I were kind of shocked (in a very good way), that the baby has grown so much. We weren't expecting to be able to see the baby's form, well actually we really didn't know what to expect at each scan. So when we saw that our baby is now 19.4mm, with a strong heartbeat and that we can see our baby's head, body and little limbs, our hearts just melted. That feeling is just so indescribable.

Today is by far the "worst hit" day in terms of the morning sickness symptoms. I was puking my guts out the whole morning and it really did feel like the guts were coming out. I went to Dr Ho feeling really crappy and even he could tell. He gave me some nausea pills and I also asked if he could give me some gastric medication as I've been experiencing gastric pains in the middle of the night.

After the consultation, I just crashed into the sofa at his waiting area and as Calvin went to make payments, I took out the scan and look at my baby again. The second I looked at it, tears flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably... I'm so thankful for God's protection and I'm so awed by His love and His creation. Look at our baby... so well protected, so deeply loved... I couldn't help but feel so emotional. Now I can understand what the mommies in the world feel when they look at their babies. Just one look, and your life is filled with joy. Nothing else matters.

The EDD is 26 Jan 2009 for now... and that's the first day of CNY!


Posted by minimin at 7:00 PM |


  • At Mon Jul 07, 09:53:00 AM 2008, Anonymous Anonymous

    so cool. bless you. ~kimmy

  • At Mon Jul 07, 12:15:00 PM 2008, Blogger natasha

    Congrats neighbour. I feel really happy for you!!! Pregnancy is always such a beautiful thing. Meanwhile, take care and rest well. I'll come see you once things are settled on my end. I'm still in midst of "moving in" ! Yelps.

  • At Tue Jul 08, 10:11:00 PM 2008, Anonymous Anonymous

    Min, feeling really happy and excited for you. take good care of yourself! :) Kudos to Calvin .. Love, Adele~

  • At Sat Jul 12, 12:39:00 PM 2008, Anonymous Anonymous

    enjoy the puking... it comes in the pregnancy package together the most beautiful thing on earth..:)