Saturday, June 14, 2008

{God's protection at work}

I worked late last night and took a cab home. It was about 10.30pm when it happened. It happened along CTE, just before the Braddell exit. The cab I was in was screeching frantically to a halt. I was startled when I popped my head over the back of the front passenger seat to see my cab closing in very quickly into the cab in front. Within seconds, it rammed into the stationary cab in front.

I was already in anticipation of the crash because of what I saw. The impact threw me ahead slightly, and I believe the shock has been largely cushioned by my anticipation. I rarely belt up in a cab but I've been reminding myself to do so recently. So I did last night. Thank God for that!!

Of course, the first thought that came to mind was, "Is my baby ok??!!" I called Calvin immediately. Both of us trusted God's divine protection. Our baby, God's beloved baby, is very well protected!

Very soon after, a white Toyota pulled up in front of the crash and these 2 guys enthusiastically checked on us, the passengers in both cabs. They even offered to send us to the hospital. In the end, looking at the trail of vehicles forming up behind us in a jam, I decided to take up their offer to send me home, since it's only minutes away.

Calvin waited for me downstairs. We hugged and we thanked God that no one is hurt and that I'm home. Then, we decided to go to the outpatient clinic at Mt Alvernia to have me checked. Xifen came to send us there. Thank you so much my dear friend! The check went ok and doc said the baby should be fine and if I'm concerned I should go to my gynae the next morning to have a scan. So we left with some panadol and cream to apply on my chest area as there's a slight strain due to the impact.

Part 2 of this eventful night was about to happen. We went for prata along Thomson Road after my check. At about 1.20am, just before we get into the car to head home, Calvin's phone rang! The next thing I knew, he kissed me goodbye and he's off in a cab on his way back to work. God's protection is put to work on overtime. This time, protecting my baby's father while he's at work. No. Actually God is protecting us 24 hours a day. There is no overtime. I thank God for His amazing protection!

As much as I needed Calvin to be around especially after the accident, I knew I had to be steady so that he doesn't have to worry about me and focus on his work. I went home, prayed for his safety and went to sleep. Calvin came home slightly after 7am. It was possibly one of his "shortest" ops. I thank God again for bringing my husband home safely.

We decided to make a last min appointment with Dr Ho and we got one at 12.15pm. Dr Ho is really nice about it, he was calm, steady and he assured us that the baby is fine. The heartbeat is steady, and everything looks fine. But he wanted to be sure and so asked us to see him again a week later for another scan.

So much happened in just one night. And because of this, I missed my neighbour (or rather ex-neighbour) Natasha's wedding. Sorry neighbour... for not being able to be there to celebrate your big day.

Father God, we thank You for Your protection. We thank You for giving Your angels charge over us, to safekeep us. We thank You for Your unconditional love. Under Your wings we will always abide. This household loves You, because You first loved us. Thank You Father!

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Posted by minimin at 6:52 PM |


  • At Tue Jun 17, 01:19:00 AM 2008, Blogger mushroomgarden

    Thank God you n baby are fine :)

  • At Mon Jun 23, 04:45:00 PM 2008, Blogger natasha

    Hey neighbour,
    Don't worry about it, you can always view the photos and I could always bring the video/ photographs over when I finally visit you in your "new" home. :) What's most important is that you and the baby and Cal are all fine! God is always with us - all the time!
    Meanwhile, remember to exercise caution and take care!!!
