Saturday, September 11, 2010

{Share Share...}

Recently we've started reading consistently to Gabby. It took her a while to learn how to sit down patiently while we read the books to her.

This afternoon, I was reading "Thank You God" to her before her naptime. We came to this page that reads "Thank You for feeding me, day after day. And thank You for leading me along the right way." And I described the pictures to her. There were 5 children, 4 of whom had a slice of watermelon in their hands. There's a little girl who didn't have any. The next page shows one of the boys sharing his watermelon with the girl. So I took the chance to teach her about sharing... Sharing with Jie Jie and Gor Gor, and of course, with her soon-to-arrive Mei Mei...

After her nap, she was sitting on the floor with her book, while I was surfing the net... I caught her flipping to this page and heard her softly saying "share... share..." Boy, was I impressed!! I'm so happy she remembered what we talked about earlier. But everytime I ask her, "Who do you share with?" Her reply would be "Mommy!" ^_*


Posted by minimin at 11:07 PM |


  • At Fri Oct 29, 10:42:00 PM 2010, Blogger mushroomgarden

    This is one of our regular bedtime book. I never notice the picture until u pointed out in this post. :P
    Anyway, i pointed out to Cheyenne too. And nowadays, whenever we hit this page, she will say "Mommy, she has no watermelon" and I will say, "right, and Gor gor shares his watermelon with Mei mei." I think I am question a few times every time and will have to repeat my answers a few times too. :)