Friday, April 16, 2010

{Where's Barney?}

Gabby was introduced to TV when she's about 11 months old. I read that watching TV is a form of training her attention span. TV or rather TV programs can be good for babies as long as they're not used as baby sitters.

She was never really interested in watching TV. I bought a few series of learning DVDs: colours, numbers, songs, etc. Nothing really caught her attention. I've heard tons about Barney and Hi-5... about how ALL kids get attracted to them naturally. Last Christmas, Gabby received a Barney DVD from Auntie Jasmine as one of her Christmas present.

I finally decided to give Barney a chance today. I don't know if it's because Gabby's older now and her attention span is also more developed, or is it really the powers of BARNEY... she sat down and watched continuously for a good 15 minutes! She swayed left and right while listening to the songs... She clapped her hands when they sang "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands"... I'm amazed!

And then, she amused me even more when she stood up and walked to the side of the TV console and looked at the back of the TV... She was looking for Barney!!! She's so funny! I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that... So innocent!!!

Before kids say the darnest things, they do the darnest things! wahahaha...


Posted by minimin at 10:10 PM |