Sunday, January 31, 2010

{2 steps}

It was just yesterday that I wondered if I'd get a chance to see you take your first unassisted step... And then you did just that when we were at Nai Nai's place just now. You were playing with Gor Gor's toys and Mommy was right behind you. You stood up and thinking that Mommy's holding on to your waist, you took a step... and another step... and as if you knew that Mommy wasn't exactly holding you, you sat down again. When I saw you take those 2 steps, tears almost welled up in my eyes. My baby is growing up so fast!

BTW, Mommy loves carrying you. I know that once you've learnt how to walk and run, you'd probably prefer that to being wrapped in Mommy's arms. But please remember to let Mommy carry you every now and then ok? You will never be too heavy for Mommy.

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Posted by minimin at 10:38 PM |


  • At Tue Feb 02, 09:23:00 PM 2010, Blogger Unknown

    min, i'm so happy for you, i almost teared. Funny how, i understand the "carrying" part. to let go sometimes aches the heart. Hang in there gal, Gabby will still need those hugs and tugs even when you become grandma. love you. keithleen

  • At Fri Feb 26, 11:46:00 AM 2010, Anonymous Anonymous

    So sweet, remind me of this song "I'll be 2 steps behind you..." by Dep Leopard ;p Love, Esther