Sunday, November 22, 2009

{God bless Gabby}

Gabby fell ill for the 2nd time in 2 weeks! We decided to start Gabby on formula milk a month ago (26 Oct to be exact). I figured I need to get her used to the taste soon before I slow down my milk supply. Started her off with NAN HA, I'm a Nestle believer.. because they're my clients! hahaha.. but seriously, I believe they have quality products because a lot of research have gone into product development.

Anyhow, Gabby refused to take FM initially. The teachers in school had to trick her, coax her, etc. In the end, they had to slowly introduce FM to my daughter... 10ml by 10ml increase by the day. But she really doesn't like FM. One fine day at home, I decided to taste NAN HA myself... and I HATE IT! It tastes really bitter! No wonder my food lover daughter doesn't like it.

So, we decided to give Similac a try. We heard that it is sweeter... She seemed to take it better than NAN HA. So maybe it's really the taste of the milk powder.

After introducing Similac for a few days, my darling girl developed fever. And then a week later, she started coughing and sneezing and developed fever again! I began to think if there's any truth when people say that Similac is more "heaty" than other brands.

Now, I don't what to do to get her to drink FM, or any other fluid like water. God, help me...

Gabby coughing....:(

Gabby's not well, but still cheeky! haha

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Posted by minimin at 10:27 PM |


  • At Fri Jan 08, 03:47:00 PM 2010, Anonymous wakie

    Hi, your girl is very cute. :) Just to share... you may want to try Mead Johnson Enfrapro/Enfragrow. My son was on BM for 14 mths before he started on this brand of FM and we did not have any problem since. Btw, this milk is sweet and not heaty. Cheers/Fellow mummy. ;)

  • At Sat Jan 09, 11:49:00 AM 2010, Blogger minimin

    Hi wakie,

    THANKS for sharing! Was contemplating if I should try a range of brands before deciding on one. But lately, my daughter seems to be taking Similac very well... no signs of heatiness.. maybe her body has gotten used to it. Guess we'll stick to it for now (got a big tin waiting to be finished.. haha... FM is expensive man..)