Saturday, November 14, 2009


We never thought of renting toys when we first had Gabby. I always thought that renting toys would be "bo hua" cos it costs about $50 to rent an item for 1 month. Renting the toy for 3-4 months would already add up to the actual cost of that toy. Plus I always prefer to own than to loan. But when Corinna rented a rocking buggy for Nigel and he didn't like it, I knew why people would rent instead of buy. You never really knew if your kid would like the toy that you like. Imagine spending $200 on a toy, lug the bugger home, only to have your precious baby reject it.

So I decided to go to this website that Corinna highly recommended to check it out. They have a very extensive list of toys to choose from: jumperoos, slides, swings, playhouses, etc. I liked this Around We Go Activity Station the minute I saw it. And it's available for rental. This is it. I rented it and it was delivered within a couple of days, cleaned and disinfected.

This morning, as Calvin was recovering from his late night work, I put Gabby into it. She was exploring with her eyes initially... and then her hands stretched out to explore every part of it. She slowly discovered that she can move around the toy! So inch by inch, she went around... She was having fun! Glad she liked it. I actually contemplated buying it over. But of course, Gabby's Daddy stopped me! wahaha...


Posted by minimin at 1:41 PM |


  • At Sun Nov 29, 08:17:00 PM 2009, Blogger estherlim

    Thanks Min for sharing this ;) Will share this with my bro :D Renting a toy isn't an bad idea at all :D Look at your curious Gabby, her facial expression tells us "hmmm... what's this??";D