Sunday, November 01, 2009

{Today... I spent time with Mommy's friends}

Daddy, this is the 3rd Sunday in a row that you're at work. I miss you, and I know Mommy misses you too. Mommy got some of her friends over to spend the Sunday with us. We've got Auntie Teri, Auntie Ying and Auntie Joanne with us.

Auntie Ying was busy taking photos of us and Mommy actually forgot to take photos of them with me. Mommy, shall we invite them over again? I had fun with them!

My school gave me this doll in school uniform for Children's Day. Mommy kept wanting to take a photo of us together. But I still don't know how to appreciate this doll. Maybe when I grow older ok Mommy?

Auntie Teri put me into the Fatboy after lunch. It's my first time in it, and I'm lovin' it! So comfortable... Mom, how come you've never put me in it before?

So shiok! I feel like I'm sitting in my throne! :p

I crawled around the living room a lot today. Mommy and the aunties are worried that my knees will hurt. Don't worry ladies. I'm fine and I love to crawl around.

Mommy has always been very concerned about my oral health. She bought this toothpaste and toothbrush for me some time ago and she finally tried them on me. The toothpaste tastes yummy! I used to hate it when Mommy and Daddy tried to clean my tongue and my gums with the hanky during bath time. But this, I like!

Daddy, that's how I spent today while you were away. Can't wait for you to come home and play with me. God keep you safe and bless you, Daddy!


Posted by minimin at 10:54 PM |


  • At Mon Nov 02, 11:33:00 PM 2009, Blogger nitro

    Wow! My litlle princess has ascended onto her throne....She looks like a boy on the FATBOY...hahaha :p

    She finally cleaning her gums well, for good teeth braces in future...Thank you sweetie for taking good care of you tons ;*