Tuesday, October 20, 2009

{Baby G at 9 months}

We always call her cheeky baby, cheekadee, cheeky B.. that's because she's really cheeky. Cheeky B was down with fever yesterday and she developed rash all over her body today. We decided to bring her to the PD. Calvin was carrying her as we went down the stairs. Halfway down, I offered to carry her. My cheeky B actually turned away from me!! She didn't want me to carry her! I was quite shocked and a little sad at that instant. I told her that Mommy's sad and I turned away.

One flight of stairs later, I offered myself again. This time round, she turned away again, but with a cheeky grin on her face! She was teasing Mommy!!! Haha... it was really funny. I tried again and she did it again, with yet another cheeky grin. I think we tried that like 4-5 times and each time, she had that same cheeky grin. She seems to enjoy teasing Mommy. Finally, before we got to the void deck, she reciprocated with a wide happy smile.

The whole episode was just so amusing. That was our 9-month old cheeky B.


Posted by minimin at 8:38 PM |