Tuesday, June 23, 2009

{My cheekadee can sit!}

In a Bumbo that is...

I logged on to Facebook earlier and was surprised to see that Teacher Agnes added some pictures of Gabby. Clicked on the "Gabby" album and saw my baby sitting in a bumbo! Gosh! It's the first time I see her sitting up like that!

Just this morning, I was chatting with Teacher Agnes and Teacher Alice about how Gabby's gonna join the older infants for breakfast in the high chairs soon. And Teacher Alice mentioned that we can start letting her try to sit in a Bumbo. So that's exactly what the teachers did in school today. Thank you Teacher Agnes for taking a photo to share with us. It's really precious.

I got Calvin over to look at the pics and then all of a sudden, emotions overwhelmed me. I started tearing... suddenly I feel that my baby is growing up too fast. And I really don't wanna miss all this little milestones she's making.

Work has been creeping into my family time. I was working late almost every night ever since I got back to work after my maternity leave. And just last weekend, I was working through the weekend, which is the most precious time of the week. Precious time that I spend with Calvin and Gabby.

I know I had to do something about my work. But I'm not sure how. God, guide me in this. You know my heart's desire and You will find a way. You will not allow me to miss Gabby's precious growing up days. You will find a way. Amen!


Posted by minimin at 10:04 AM |