Thursday, April 30, 2009

{The month of April}

This blog is not dead.. it just went on sabbatical. :p

We had plans to start bringing Gabby to the nanny (or whatever babysitting option we eventually decide on) by the last week of April, so that she'd have about a month to get used to new environment and new lifestyle before I go back to work. Because of that, I decided that my focus will be entirely on my darling baby... I wanna spend all her awake times playing with her, talking to her and bonding with her. So, other than going online to check emails and shop for her, I really had no time to update this blog.

April turned out to be a month where we had to make major changes and decisions on Gabby's babysitting plans. Corinna's colleague highly recommended her babysitter who lives about 15mins away from our block. We went to visit her sometime early this month and realised that she smokes!! *faint... No way am I leaving Gabby in the care of a smoker! So there goes our original babysitter option. At this point, we had to quickly look for other options as we really don't have much time left.

A couple of options came by... (1) My aunt. We really wouldn't have to worry if we leave Gabby with my aunt. BUT since she stays in Yishun, we would have to leave her there overnight and only bring her home during the weekends. And this is one big minus point. (2) Another babysitter recommended by the coffeeshop auntie. She stays in the next block and she's considered rather young. She's only 47 and she has 3 grown up children. BUT she wants to take a break from babysitter (the baby she was babysitting just went to childcare) and she's quite particular about timing.

After some deliberation, we decided to go with option 1, my aunt. We would bring her there every Sunday evening and bring her home every Friday evening. The night that we made this decision, I cried while watching Gabby sleep. I can't imagine not having her around every night! I can't imagine not being able to wake up and see her every morning! But, that seems like the best option for us. So we decided to bring Gabby to my aunt from 26 April onwards and started buying extra everything for Gabby to be stocked up at my aunt's. But you know what... we can make all the plans we want, but if it's not God's plan, it's just not gonna materialise.

2 days before we're due to bring Gabby to my aunt, her sister-in-law passed away and she had to be there at the wake and funeral. So I was to bring Gabby only on 27 April. But, just before 27 April, my aunt started having a real bad back and complained about rheumatism. She said she might not be able to handle Gabby because of her back. At this point, we crashed! We were a week away from our short trip (yes, we're going away, just the 2 of us) and a month away from my return to work. We scrambled to look for other options.

First thing we did was to revisit option (2) above. We went to visit that babysitter and she told us she wanna consider if she still wants to babysit. So fine. We decided to give infant care centers a chance. I started calling up the infant care centers in AMK and made appointments for center tours today. To cut the long story short, we fell in love with Learning Vision at Grassroot Club. The teachers there are well-spoken, the center is clean, bright and fun... in short, it felt right. We were so much in peace when we made the decision to send Gabby to this infant care. I think it's God way of telling us, this is the plan I have for you.

So we started the month of April not knowing where to put Gabby when I return to work. And we ended the month with a peace of mind knowing that God is in charge. One of the nights, God spoke to me lovingly and said, "remember, when you're not there by Gabby's side, I am." I love You, God. Thank You for loving us!


Posted by minimin at 9:05 PM |