Friday, January 23, 2009

{Gabby's home!}

Gabby's jaundice level went back to normal and we can bring her home today! On our way home, an amazing gush of happiness and thankfulness filled both Calvin and I. And we both cried and thanked God for the lovely baby that I hold in my arms.

We got home and brought her to her room. She was sleeping soundly as we put her down. We just looked at her, took pictures of her and we were soaked in sweet happiness...

Then...within minutes, she broke into uncontrollable wails. We were both lost... we didn't know what to do!! Fed her, carried her... We were really clueless. We immediately called for help and thank God my mom came by after work to help us take care of Gabby.

The real challenge starts NOW!


Posted by minimin at 10:33 PM |