Friday, January 02, 2009

{Baby Amanda - 5 days}

With just about 3-4 weeks more before 小B arrives, we decided to make a few more trips to see our little nephew Nigel and little niece Amanda. Baby Nigel's a little grouchy today and so we decided to visit him another day and focus on Baby Amanda.

Though she's just 5 days old, I feel as if she knows exactly what's happening around her. Her curious eyes were darting around quite a bit and those eyes are so full of life.

Amanda looks so so much like my bro when he was a baby. She has the same sleeping pattern as her daddy. Even Maureen was talking about how Amanda's lips movement is exactly like my bro's when he's sleeping. haha... so cute!!!

And her hair! I have to talk about her beautiful black hair. So nicely, neatly crowning her beautiful head. I'm sure her hair will be the envy of a lot of girls in future.


Posted by minimin at 10:53 PM |