Sunday, January 04, 2009

{1st date with Cheyenne}

The Yeo's are back for holidays! Got in touch with Nicole this morning and we decided to try and arrange for a quick catch up in the evening. It's really great that we managed to find time to meet up. They came by to our place and we had a simple zichar dinner together.

This is the first time we met Cheyenne. Seen so many of her pictures and read so much about her on Nicole's blog but nothing beats meeting this sweet little girl in person! She's so smiley!!! I was worried that she'd take a while to warm up, but no... she started smiling at us even at the door! So sweeeeeet.....

Cutey Cheyenne has this amazingly cute ability to pose, smile and wait for the camera to click for a snap. It was so cute! She would look at the camera, wait for the clicking sound and for the adults next to her to start moving before she moves too. So well-trained! Well done, Nicole. hahaha... model in the making!

Now that we've met Cheyenne in person, looking at her photos on Nicole's blog feels a lot more "qing qie"... hehe... Hopefully, we'd get to introduce 小B and Cheyenne before the Yeo's head back to NJ. (^.*)


Posted by minimin at 10:39 PM |