Tuesday, November 07, 2006

{Punctuality: an extinct virtue}

I have to admit that once upon a time, I was a habitual latecomer. But after going through some incidents of unpleasant extended period of waiting, I understand (through 1st hand experience) the frustration of waiting and I've made up my mind to kick that bad habit out of my life. Now that the habit's defunct in me, I become the victim!! A victim of irresponsible, unreasonable, unjustified acts of late-coming!! ARGH!!!!

Imagine this: I have a meeting with you at 5pm and our meeting venue is 10min from my office and 2min from yours. And every single time, I had to be the one walking the greater distance just because there are more people from your end! Never mind... so just before I left office, I told you that I'm leaving NOW and I'll see you there in 10min. What would you do? Give yourself another 8min at your desk, finish the last bit of whatever you're doing, gather the rest of the team and then move your ass out of that seat and get it to the meeting venue rite??!! NO!! This is what they did (for the umpteenth time)... After waiting for a couple minutes upon reaching, I had to sms them to say that I have reached, and then they start finishing up what they're doing in the office and then slowly sashay to the meeting!!! So the meeting that was supposed to start at 5pm only started 5.25pm!! And the best part of it all, they don't even have the basic elementary level of courtesy to apologise!!! This is soooooooooooooooooooooo infuriating!!! And this is NOT the first time!!

Come on man!! Is my time "waste-able"?? Is my time not as precious? Do you think I'm any less busy than you are??!! What gives you the 'privilege' of making others wait for you?? I was so tempted to just walk away at 5.20pm. But the presentation is next Wed and the work is ALL mine to do... I had no choice but to make sure this meeting still happens. So LL... wait lor!!! Can't stand it.... I promise myself, this will be the last time I'm ever gonna wait for these unprofessional, inconsiderate, uncouth, self-centred blacksheeps of the human race!
Posted by minimin at 8:24 AM |