Wednesday, November 01, 2006

{I love today's devotional...}

Nov 1

Although it sometimes seems to us
our prayers have not been heard,
God always knows our every need
without a single word.
- Helen Steiner Rice

Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
- Matthew 6:8

This is the day to assure yourself
that He hears you when you call.
Ask and listen for His answer.

Today's devotional reminds me of a beautiful testimony I heard some years back. Gonna share it with you and hope it will encourage you.

In late 2002, L and his wife were planning a trip to Hong Kong during the CNY period in 2003. They set their hearts and minds on staying at the Metropole Hotel (guess it's some sentimental reasons). So they went to make early bookings to secure a room in that hotel. But every travel agency that they went to gave them a "sorry, no rooms available" response. They prayed and prayed that God would give them a miracle as they really wanted to stay there. But no, God didn't give them that miracle. Nonetheless, they went ahead with the holiday with much disappointment.

So in Feb 2003, the couple went for their HK trip. Not long after the holiday, media in the region all reported 1 piece of news: SARS! Turned out that the lady who carried the virus, was staying in Metropole Hotel during the same few days that L and his wife were supposed to be there. Had God answered their prayers the way they wanted it to be, they would have stayed in Metropole Hotel and got infected by SARS! It was only then did L realise that the whole time he was asking God why didn't He answer, God already knew what's ahead. It wasn't that God didn't answer his prayers, God just had a better answer.

So the next time you pray and nothing happens, don't question God. God's answers are never wrong. God's plans are never less than perfect. God is never too late, neither is He ever too early.


Posted by minimin at 8:35 PM |


  • At Thu Nov 02, 02:07:00 PM 2006, Blogger 1

    Hi Ah Yee(: Wahhh... You never read my blog anymore leh:( I need someone to gimme some feedbacks about my entries leh... btw, i totally agree with u that things do happen for a reason. take care and see ya soon~~

  • At Sat Nov 11, 10:16:00 PM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous

    Hi sis, I am truely blessed by this msg. I truely believe that God hears every of my prayers and HE will chose the Best time to answer them all. Praise the Lord for HE is faithful.