Saturday, November 08, 2008

{28 weeks}

小B's weighing about 1.2kg at 28 weeks. Dr Ho says she's at the 50 percentile mark and she's growing very well. Praise God! We saw her little round body and her strong limbs very clearly today.... it's soooo cute!!! Still can't quite believe that I have this amazing life growing inside of me. So much love fills me up... so much love for this little life. 小B, you can never imagine how much Daddy and Mommy love you... and how much more God loves you.

I'm into my 3rd trimester now. All's well except that I'm feeling tired more easily and I'm starting to feel some strain on my joints. Well, I've put on 10kg already! The joints had to work harder to carry this additional weight...

I'm also feeling this numbness on my fingers, mostly when I wake up in the middle of the night and in the morning. According to this book, this is probably the result of swelling tissues pressing on nerves. It could also mean that I have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). CTS is common in people who regularly perform tasks that require repetitive motions of the hand (eg: typing!). It is also extremely common in preggies, even those who don't do repetitive hand motions. The book also suggests some remedies:
    - Raise your office chair so your wrists are straight and your hands are lower than your elbows as you type.
    - Switch to a wrist friendly ergonomic keyboard as well as a mouse that offers wrist support.
    - Wear a wrist brace while typing.
    - Take frequent breaks from the computer.
    - Use a speakerphone or headset if you're on the phone a lot.
    - In the evenings, soak your hands in cool water to reduce any swelling.
    - Ask your doc about other possible remedies, including vitamin B6 supplements, acupuncture, or pain relievers.
~excerpt from "What to expect when you're expecting"

Think I'm gonna give the soaking in cool water a try...


Posted by minimin at 10:55 AM |