Saturday, March 29, 2008

{Balls to you}

Calvin just completed his 3rd week at the PTI course (9 more weeks to go!). Last week, he started working out on exercise balls and realised how useful they are. So today, we went to Sports Link in AMK to get ourselves a ball each.

Calvin: The balls have indeed been able to isolate the targeted muscle groups for toning & strengthening, without straining the back if done correctly. We haven't got much time to play with them though, but getting them is definitely a start to something bigger that we are planning for. The balls are only an initial installation for my free weights "gym" & we are planning to transform our smallest room into our this space "Akan Datang"...

There will be lots of mirrors for vanity sake...more to watch out for right posturing lah.... we are going to house Min's new found interest => photography paraphernalia in the playroom too... we will brighten it with colourful wall decals in anticipation of our kid(s) in due time...but all these will most likely start after my "Pay To Idle" course...5 hours of sleep daily...that's how much of idling I get each day,the rest are paid with sweat & brain much from me, ENDURE & EXCEL...9 more weeks & counting...

Oh yes, we bought a camera last weekend! Canon EOS 400D... Have been thinking for a long time if I should get a DSLR or just a point-and-shoot. Inspired by the many talented photographer friends around me (Jasmine, Nicole, William, Vernon, Ying, Jooel, Vincent, etc etc) and with Calvin's encouragement... we finally decided on a DSLR. Thank you baby, for indulging me... :) Now it's time to get started on the basics. Still trying to get to know my camera better... (^__*)


Posted by minimin at 4:53 PM |


  • At Mon Mar 31, 07:06:00 PM 2008, Blogger mushroomgarden

    Congrats on the DSLR. I can see that previous post on no having a good cam to take pic helps to give Calvin a good hint! (^_^)

  • At Tue Apr 01, 09:00:00 AM 2008, Blogger minimin

    hehe... thanks! Actually Calvin had wanted a DSLR ever since our camera went bonkers and I was the one who was a bit "neow"... But his encouragement and all your beautiful photos finally made me give in to the temptation. haha... share tips ok, Ms Expert... :)