Wednesday, July 18, 2007

{In the name of "beauty"}

Most of my friends know how low my threshold for pain is... I'm amazed at the kind of pain that I've gone through in the name of "beauty". I really don't know how I managed to endure those moments... When they said "ai sui mai mia" (read in hokkein), I believe they were speaking from experience. hahaha...

Those were my thoughts as I laid there waiting for Amy to start my eyebrow embroidery. A lot of my friends have had theirs done long time ago. Xifen has been trying to get me to do this since forever... Eversince I became conscious of the lack of hair above my eyes, I've had to draw eyebrows wherever I went, even if it's just going downstairs. I had to bear with having "no" eyebrows when I went swimming or running. I had to "risk" having my eyebrows rubbed off when I perspire. I had to give in to friends who threaten to rub my beautifully drawn eyebrows off. hahaha... So sometime early last month, I decided to conquer the fear and just do it.

Yes... you have to book Amy's time at least 1.5 months ahead! And you need to wait at least 1.5 hours for your turn even when you've got an appointment scheduled!

Hell, it was painful!!! Well, at least for my standard... Xifen didn't think it was painful at all. It felt like electric current running through your eyelids... I have to go back to Amy in mid Oct for a touch-up... that's when the colour will become even more natural, so they say.

So ya.. there you have it. EYEBROWS... visible ones for the mini-min!


Posted by minimin at 11:29 PM |


  • At Tue Jul 24, 04:39:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous


    I suffer from the same plague of being eyebrowless too! I'm glad you've done it, coz I have been toying with that idea too but haven't had enough guts to do it! Well done! Show us some pictures yah?

  • At Tue Jul 24, 01:55:00 PM 2007, Blogger estherlim

    Well done Min!!! For the name of Beauty, you've finally made it!!! :D Cheers!