Friday, June 15, 2007

{Trust me, this creature exists!}

Let me paint you the scenario and you tell me what you would do.

You were driving to a client’s dinner with 3 colleagues in your car. When you arrived at the venue, you asked the 3 of them to alight while you wait for the valet attendant to assist you. So, the 3 colleagues alighted from each of the 3 passenger doors. The one sitting behind was a wee bit slower. You didn’t notice that she was still getting out and you drove off. In that instance, the back wheel of your car ran over her foot, she lost her balance and she nearly fell. Her beautiful high-heel cracked and the heel strap broke. Your 2 other colleagues hurriedly ran over to help her and to check if her foot is alright, if there’s any swelling and if any bone broke, etc… What would you do at this point?

I guess your answer would be rather predictable. You would dash over and check on her and probably apologize profusely. I would probably cry in shock. I believe with a sincere heart that the least any normal human being would do is to ensure that this colleague is fine and her foot is not crushed by the car.

Well, in reality, this is what happened to me!

Yours truly happens to be the victim in the above scenario. I was getting out of my director’s car when she decided to focus on her bosses and not take notice of the small fry behind her. So, yes… she ran her car over the heel of my right foot!! I had my CEO and ex-MD fussing over me, checking on my foot for the next few minutes. So when my director was done with the valet, she came over and said “it’s ok one lah… my boyfriend always run the car over my feet one… no problem one… I spoil your shoes huh… 我赔给你…”

#*^$@*#&%^#$@# NOT A SINGLE FREAKING WORD OF APOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes… I’m telling you such creatures exist in this world ok!!! BUT BUT BUT, may God bless her and may she live to be 120!!!

Thank God for His divine protection! Thank God for protecting my small foot from crushing! Thank God for loving me!
Posted by minimin at 11:17 PM |


  • At Mon Jun 18, 02:28:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    You said your heel is alright so THAT'S GREAT! So now I have to comment on her irresponsible nincompoop ninny stupid idiotic blind behaviour. It feels SOOO GOOD to talk abt someone else's boss.

    As quoted,"“it’s ok one lah… my boyfriend always run the car over my feet one… no problem one…".

    Judging from the pics that I've seen of this BFL boss, HER FOOT IS QUITE HARD TO MISS RIGHT. So you see, can't blame her boyfriend. That's why no prob for HER what.

    My Ah Yee over here has like small delicated pretty feet with expensive pediucure done ok. Not to mention those GORGEOUS shoes she has. -_- Tsk tsk... Bad boss bad boss.

    *shakes head*

  • At Mon Jun 18, 02:34:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    MiniMin 迷你敏: in anticipation of God's beautiful plan... says:
    so angry and shocked at her behavior

    The Prince and Sheena. 男人不坏 女人不愛. says:
    "my boyfriend always run the car over my feet one"

    The Prince and Sheena.says:
    HAHA her feet quite hard to miss right

    MiniMin 迷你敏 says:
    [laughs with emoticons]

    MiniMin 迷你敏 says:
    please put that down in comments

    The Prince and Sheena.says:

    The Prince and Sheena.says:

    [Moral of the story: Be ultra nice to Ah Yee or suffer the consequences dealt out by her teenage niece who tends to rebel at this age. Good day.]

  • At Sun Jun 24, 03:30:00 PM 2007, Blogger 1

    OMG Ah Yee, are you okay? Hope tt the swelling of your feet is better now. Tt 92038403809572305297350702757 person who didn't even give you the apology tt she owes you is a freakin' peabrain.

    One who only cares about herself... Ha! Who cares about her anw...

    Feel better, alright?

    Take care and toods the doods (^.^)

  • At Sun Jun 24, 03:39:00 PM 2007, Blogger 1

    P.S. What Jie Jie said is right. HAHAHAHA... Her foot does seem quite hard to miss. I bet she would be crying like &^$%#$%$@#%$@**&*& if this senario actually happened to her.

    Take care of tt precious foot of yours!!