Tuesday, April 03, 2007

{Lunchtime Devotional}

Having a bowl of chicken macaroni soup for lunch at my desk and found this devotional in my archived mailbox. And it spoke directly to me! It encouraged me, and I hope it does the same to you.

Whenever I'm stressed out at work, Calvin always reminds me that "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me". Yes, with God ALL things are possible. So dear friends, take God to work today, tomorrow, everyday.

Take God To Work (1)
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you.
Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

Surely God would only send those He could trust into enemy territory. Understand this: God cares about where you are. He has selected you for your work environment. He has already, or is currently equipping you. You wouldn't send your child off to camp without packing his bags or making provision for everything he would need while he's away. And God wouldn't either.

Sometimes hostile environments can be overwhelming - but by God's grace we can thrive in them! If you'll take God to work with you and keep your identity intact, the enemy will lose ground. Don't let him keep you focused on everything that's problematic: gossip, office politics, the too-heavy workload, the too-low pay, the micro-managing supervisor, the injustice of a system that seems to promote based more on who you know than what you know. The danger is that you'll focus on the discomfort of the moment and miss the blessings that lie beyond it. While you're praying for God to change your circumstances and take away your stress, He's saying, "If only you knew what awaited you. Your purpose and destiny are only moments away, and, though not wrapped in shiny paper, they contain all you'll ever need to reach your goal and bring Me glory."

God understands us so well. He realises our tendency to stay too long when things become comfortable, to lean on the arm of flesh. Often He has to trouble the waters so that we'll reach out to Him in desperation, and as a result, tap into strength and success we never knew possible.

Take God To Work (2)
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

Whether it's doctors in surgical scrubs or firefighters in heat-resistant uniforms, proper attire is required to do certain jobs. And as Christians, we also have to dress for work. We don't necessarily need to fuss with our outward appearance (although how we're perceived can go a long way toward helping us achieve) but we must dress up our character by "putting on the Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 13:14). After all, we're His representatives!

Secular society is confused about who Christians actually are. And these misconceptions are fed by our inability to step out in our true colours. Your workmates probably don't need another sermon, they can get that in church. Your job is your pulpit! How you conduct yourself should reflect what you believe and who you belong to. You may protest that it's difficult to maintain Christian integrity when you have to deal with backstabbing, unfair criticism and the misuse of power. Actually, we Christians are supposed to be at our best under pressure (Isaiah 59:19). God's power is released in our lives by enemy encroachment. Sometimes we just have to get more creative as challenges enlarge or intensify. You may have to step outside of the situation and remind yourself Who put you there. Leave your office, take a break, or simply go to the restroom and talk to God - your real Boss. God is very present in times of trouble, and learning to call on Him instead of falling into the trap of the enemy is what wins spiritual wars!

When adversity and challenges come - as they surely will - remember this, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."


Posted by minimin at 1:04 PM |