Friday, March 16, 2007

{Pant Pant...}

The past month flew by like a jetplane! So many things happened around me, so many emotions filled me, so many stir-ups inside of me...

I need to breathe!!! I so badly need to catch my breath and take stock of what's happening and find a balance. I miss going to church, I miss listening to God's word, I miss having a worry-free day. God, come take my worries away.

Work's been crazy!! Can you believe it? I found myself panting just now as I hung up the phone with a media owner. I'm literally up to my eyeballs at work. So many jobs to complete. So many deadlines to meet. So many problems to solve. So many issues to handle. God help me!

Well, we've moved into our lovely home for a month now. I love our home and I love going home. It's like a place of refuge. Nothing else matters once I step into our home. Calvin, as always, has been a real darling. We've been busy "setting up" the place with essentials for proper living - pots & pans, mops & rags, food & drinks, etc etc. We've invited a few small groups of friends for little gatherings over the last 3 weeks. We prepared simple "meals" with what little utensils we have and we used carton boxes as tables. Can't wait to get a proper dining table and coffee table so we can be better hosts.

God, if You could fast forward this month, please do so. I can't wait for this crazy month to be over!

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
- Isaiah 41:10
Posted by minimin at 8:51 PM |


  • At Thu Mar 22, 01:43:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    Your house is lovely and you're a great hostess! Maybe the next gathering can take plc at your plc again. hehe