Monday, January 15, 2007

{My Books}

I decided to start packing my stuff at home. I've got tons of things to move when our house is ready... And Calvin is "warning" me to take this chance to throw away things & clothes that I don't use & wear anymore. But but but, I may find some use to those things some day, and and and, I may be able to wear some of those [smaller sized] clothes some day... wahahaha!!!

So. I started packing my books yesterday. I realised that there are quite a few books that I've not read yet, and I've already bought some new books. Anyway, they're all gonna be happy residents of my library. Oh, did I tell you that I want to have a library in our dining room? It's gonna be an open shelf, with a glass-door section for Calvin to display his 12-inch figurines. I've always wanted a library in my home, but I think I'm gonna get really sick & tired of dusting the books on the shelves. It's like a nightmare that I plot for myself... ha!

Anyway, I bought some books for myself during Christmas and I'd like to share some beautiful things I read in the one I'm reading now - Small Acts of Grace by Alice Gray.

This book is about "What can I do to make a difference today?" Alice Gray gives simple ideas to support, encourage, and brighten the lives of those around us. I remember Imoto-san and I once had a conversation about what we want people around us to say about us when we depart from this world. For me, I hope they will say "She made a difference in my life".

I'm already halfway through the book. And as I read it on my way to work everyday, I find so many things that I wanna share with you. Today, before I start my work day proper, let me share a little excerpt from the book. A story in the Bible that tells us how beautiful our Lord Jesus is.
"Touching was an important part of Christ's ministry. He touched the eyes of the blind man, He blessed the children by laying His hands on them, He washed the disciples' feet. But perhaps His most stunning use of touch was when He laid hands on a man who had leprosy. [Matthew 8:3] In Bible times, no one touched lepers. They lived outside the towns and were required to cry out "unclean" when other people came near. Not even spouses or parents or children touched a leper. When the leper asked Jesus if He would heal him, Jesus easily could have just said, "Be healed." But He didn't. Because Jesus knew how much it would mean to the man, Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him."
- Chapter 3, Pg 45-46, Small Acts of Grace

I hope to share more beautiful stories and inspiring ideas with you. And we can all do a little part in making a difference in the lives around us.


Posted by minimin at 8:39 AM |