Saturday, December 23, 2006

{Day Forty-One}

Posted by minimin at 11:32 AM |


  • At Mon Jan 01, 12:55:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    looks very nice so far! must go your house during CNY!

    Dunno if u received my xmas sms. Thanks for the present! I opened it on xmas eve :)

    And Happy New Year, one-san! May the year be a healthy, smooth sailing, peaceful and happy one for you:)


  • At Mon Jan 08, 08:46:00 AM 2007, Blogger 1

    Hi Ah Yee! Looks like they did a pretty good job constructing your house. Hehe... I love the white-tiled floors! I can't wait to see the outcome of your new home =p Maybe you can take us on a tour when we return from the US. Take care!!!

  • At Wed Jan 10, 04:53:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    Juz like a "nite in the museum"??No need tours when you return from US,stay over for many nites also can.... ;)