Sunday, November 19, 2006

{my yummy dinner}

...prepared by my yummy baby.

Calvin's mom always has steam fish for dinner. Now that she's on holiday, her son took over and prepared the same healthy, yummy dish. So simple, yet so marvelicious! I can imagine having this for dinner almost everyday when we move in to our own place.
Posted by minimin at 9:02 PM |


  • At Tue Nov 28, 01:55:00 PM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous

    Nah! must leave some comments for Calame rite... so here it is... "WARNING: NO GIVE FACE WAN HOR"

    Tomatoes overload, ginger too think slices-looked like egg noodles, no preserved plum and salted veggie...ermm what else... oh HOW CAN U SERVE JUST FISH AND RICE FOR DINNER??

  • At Tue Dec 05, 12:23:00 AM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous

    Hahahaaa.... I supposed this is the dish of LOVE... no matter how Calame cook, mini min jus simply loooooovvvves it ;) Meow........