Sunday, March 01, 2009

{Shopping with Gabby}

We had plans to go shopping yesterday but since our little girl was cranky the whole night through the night before, we postponed our shopping trip to today.

Xifen, Jo and Fei came over last weekend after attending Hoi's baby Remy's full-month party (my Gabby would have her full-month party on the same day if she had one.. :p). Jo was telling me about her breastfeeding experience, how she handles her pump and expressed milk now that she's back at work. And she showed me her Fridge-to-go. This is exactly what I need.

As my baby doesn't latch on to me for her feeds, I had to feed her with formula milk whenever we went out. With a fridge-to-go, I can feed my baby with breastmilk! So we went to Taka as there's a fair for household stuff and Fridge-to-go had a booth there.

Gabby has been a very good, or should I say sleepy girl today. We put her in the car seat initially. She sat there quietly for a while and then started to fidget and get cranky. Think she doesn't like to be in there. So I picked her up and carried her. She fell asleep in my arms in no time.

~ Gabby in her car seat (hand-me-down from Uncle Vincent) ~

She continued sleeping when we put her in her stroller. And we thought she's gonna wake up within the next half an hour so we quickly went into Crystal Jade for lunch before she starts stirring. Lesson learnt here: DO NOT order porridge when you bring along a baby. We kept thinking that she'd be waking up soon so we had to eat quickly. How to eat a piping hot bowl of porridge??!! In the end, our baby slept through our lunchtime.

She slept and slept as we shopped through the household fair at Taka Square. And she slept and slept as we shopped for a rocker chair at Taka's children's department. And she slept and slept as we strolled to Wisma for a coffee break. By this time, we decided that she has to have her feed soon. So we walked back to the nursery in Taka. When we stepped into the nursery, both Calvin and I wowed at their facilities. They've got more than enough changing stations, they've got a sofa and some chairs for bottle-feeding parents, they've got a breastfeeding room and they've also got a hot water dispenser and a sink for washing. This is the first baby room in a shopping mall that I've been to and I must say I'm quite impressed. I wonder if any other shopping mall has such good and comfortable facilities.

~ Calvin feeding Gabby in Taka's nursery ~

It's almost 5 hours since we've been out and I need to go home... go home and be a cow! Gabby, oh Gabby, why won't you latch on to Mommy? Then we can hang out longer...


Posted by minimin at 9:01 PM |


  • At Mon Mar 23, 09:56:00 AM 2009, Blogger mushroomgarden

    Talk about the taka nursery... the first and only shared nursing room i checked out. I was a little shy at first. cos no privacy. then i came out happy cos I had so much fun chit chatting with the other nursing mommies inside. U know what topics we talk about la. :P