Tuesday, February 24, 2009

{Vaccination @ 1 mth}

Gabby had her vaccination today. We went to the polyclinic to get it done. Teri and gang came by last evening to deliver their wonderful gift for Gabby... a Capella stroller. Just in time for us to bring Gabby to the polyclinic today. Thank you TTC! Gabby's really comfortable in it.

At the polyclinic, just as I was about to bring Gabby in for her jab, she starting crying for milk, even though we had just fed her before we went out. So we quickly prepared a bottle of formula milk since it's faster to prepare than warming up the bottle of breastmilk that we brought along. Only 1 parent is allowed to go into the room with Gabby, so I went in with her. I was feeding her while the nurse keyed her data into the computer. When the nurse was done, I had to interrupt Gabby's mealtime for the nurse to take her weight and length. Of course, we ended up having a not-so-happy baby...

I mentioned that Gabby has been having blocked nose so the nurse referred us to see the doctor first so that he can determine if Gabby's good to take her jab today. All's well and according to the doctor, it's common for babies to have blocked nose and it's very normal. So we were sent back to the immunisation room for the jab. It was done on her right thigh. When the nurse pierced Gabby's thigh with the needle, she went into a thunderous scream... she was wailing so bad it hurts me... Calvin could hear her from outside too. I held her so close and I feel like crying. She calmed down a couple minutes later.

I wonder if we had gone to a private PD to get her vaccination, would the nurse be more gentle and nice, would the jab be less painful for Gabby. Well, that's her 1st month vaccination experience. Next one will be in April... she'd be 3 months old then.


Posted by minimin at 6:12 PM |


  • At Fri Apr 03, 11:24:00 AM 2009, Blogger mummychai

    Been a while since i visit ur blog.. fyi, no, ht immunisation's the same at the PD side, it's abt who can get the needle in and out as fast and as accurate:) Brought Carrie to my family doc for immunisztion instead though....