Sunday, May 04, 2008

{BD #4: Mellben, again}

Yes. There again! Haha... This time with Noi, Randy and Jasmine. We were supposed to have nasi padang at Hotel Rendezvous but changed plans cos Calvin needed more time to study and didn't want to travel. Thank God for understanding friends. So Randy suggested eating crabs ! They can't get yummy crabs over in Manila. Over there, chilli crabs are sweet, not spicy... eeeww..
~ Crab Bee Hoon Soup ~

~ Chilli Crab ~

I like his look in caps! (^__^)

I think Noi likes his look while slurping the yummy soup! :p

When we were leaving after our crab feast, we were stunned to see how long the queue was... it stretched across at least 3 shop fronts! And the entire coffeeshop was PACKED! *keching!*

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Posted by minimin at 9:11 PM |