Thursday, May 01, 2008

{BD #1: Mellben}

[BD = Birthday Dinner]
Celebrations of me turning 32 started today... with Dennis and Eunice. I suggested eating chilli crab at Mellben (AMK Blk 232) as I've been craving for it. So Eunice obliged, but I think she's excited about it too. Cos it's one of her favourites! haha..

We decided to meet at 5pm just so we that can get a seat and not have to wait too long for our food. Mellben is quite irritatingly "organised". You have to queue up and take your order and then wait for them to assign a table for you... depending on what you order. They claim that it's because they need to assign you to a table that is "big enough" to lay out all the food that you order. In other words, you have to be "profitable" enough to get a bigger table. *roll eyes*

We ordered Chilli Crab (with man tou of course) and Crab Bee Hoon Soup. It was soooooo yummy!!! This is the first time I tried their crab bee hoon soup. It's really marvelicious.. I just kept drinking the soup.. *slurp slurp*

~ Chilli Crab ~
[didn't get to take a snap of the crab bee hoon soup as we've already dug into the chilli crab when the bee hoon soup arrived]

~ Chilling out at McD's @ AMK Garden ~
[we really needed to chill out after the meal in such hot weather]

~ Pressie 1 ~
[a stylo black vase - flowers included (*__^)]

~ Pressie 2 ~
[my 4th red crumpler]

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Posted by minimin at 8:49 PM |