Wednesday, February 06, 2008

{CNY Reunion}

My busy family came over for reunion dinner on 4 Feb. Eversince my brother started his waffle shop, my family became a family of busy bees... And when your children get married and had to have reunion dinner with their wife/husband's family on CNY Eve, your own family dinner has to shift to a different day. My family didn't mind that, something's gotta give right? So we had ours ahead of time. It's a working day for everyone and we didn't have time to cook, so it became a potluck reunion this year. Though we didn't have the "traditional" home-cooked reunion dinner, we had a wonderful time chatting and catching up with one another's lives.

It's CNY Eve today. My office is closed but Calvin's gotta work for half a day. I decided to cook a little lunch for our own little family of 2. Simple dishes.. cos I can't whip up anything beyond simple.. haha :p

It's the first time I had reunion dinner at Calvin's parents' place officially as a daughter-in-law (and I didn't take pictures!). This is the only time of the year that Calvin's mom will bring out her wok and get into a major cooking session. All other days of the year, she only cooks healthy meals.. steamed and boiled dishes and yummy! I love her steamed fish and chap chye. Oh of cos these signature dishes are found on the reunion dinner table as well, flanked by all the other dishes.

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Posted by minimin at 11:34 PM |