Sunday, September 09, 2007

{Steamy Affair}

Calvin had to go back to work today. And a steamy affair was waiting for him when he came home. Haha... I prepared steamed salmon, steamed calamari with some orange sauce and steamed lady fingers in sambal belachan. All steamed... Look at the heap of rice on his plate... my handsome "fan tong" finished that whole mountain ok... haha...

Actually the food was a li'l too much for the both of us... Need to work on my "aga-ration".


Posted by minimin at 8:54 PM |


  • At Mon Sep 10, 06:26:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    Woah! They look yummy!! Me too, I'm still working on the agaration but am better now...Andrew used to say I cook for army battalion!

  • At Wed Sep 12, 11:21:00 AM 2007, Blogger Unknown

    Can't take my eyes off the steamed chilli lady's fingers!!!

    WHOOOOOO~~~ You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you. *looks dreamily at Ah Yee's dinner pic*